Breaking the cycle of poverty starts with empowering young minds!

Since the advent of schooling, society have expected the schools to contribute positively to equipping children with moral education and teachings on life skills. Any educational system that does not provide opportunities for students to learn good morals, values, virtue, and life skills is bound to fail in producing children versatile and able to drive a positive change in their lives and society.

Education is not just about subjects taught in the classroom but the acquisition of life skills to help students navigate through life, achieve a brighter future and break the cycle of poverty. Students in community schools hardly get exposed to these teachings and it leaves a gap in their basic formation.

At IG Aguowo Health and Academic Foundation, we believe that education goes beyond the classroom. That’s why we’re passionate about our Learning BST Outreach Initiative, which aims to equip community school students with essential life skills to navigate through life.

Without developing essential life skills, students cannot contribute impactfully to the society. Thus, the merit of the learners should not just be determined from the size of his materials or even intellectual acquisition, but also from the quality and content of his character.

Our visit to Community Secondary School, Mbaukwu achieved the training of over 200 students with the basic skills and tips they need to thrive in school and life.

Every child deserves a brighter future!

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